Friday, June 21, 2019

Youth vaping is epidemic - Ottawa Public Health

OPH urging Health Canada to crack down on marketing of e-cigarettes to young people.

Ottawa Public Health (OPH) is growing increasingly concerned about the burgeoning epidemic of vaping among youth, and is calling on Health Canada to clamp down on an industry that appears to be targeting its products at young people.
"You've got a product that is tasting like cherries and root beer and strawberries being sold, and youth are picking it up," said Marino Francispillai, the health unit's program manager for school and community mental health and wellness.
According to a youth vaping study conducted by OPH, 23 per cent of high school students in Ottawa have tried e-cigarettes, while 48 per cent mistakenly believe that even regular vaping doesn't pose a health a risk.

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