Friday, October 12, 2018

Twitter post about government failure to control underage sales of vaping devices

Just referred 15 yo to addiction health services for vaping/nicotine issues. Local vaping store 2 blocks from High School illegally providing products to hoards of minors daily. So much for our laws!😡@celliottability @CanPaedSociety @CDNMinHealth @CPetitclerc @HaltonPolice

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Friday, October 5, 2018

Anti-vaping editorial in the Waterloo Record

I sent an angry letter to The Record because they failed to mention a single named vaping product, who owned them, who was taking ads in our community, and who owned the companies who are addicting our children.

Send us pictures of the stores selling VYPE to underage teens, and spread the word that you don’t want VYPE sold across the street from schools in your neighborhood. Pay particular attention to Circle K.

Terry Polevoy, MD